Wednesday 2 July 2014

Sky diving

One lovely beautiful morning I was going sky diving. It was Monday the 23rd of June 2013, with my friends Jasmine and Shelby because it was our day off work and my birthday. We were all excited to go sky diving for my first time.

We quickly got changed and ran down stairs to have a healthy breakfast.Then we quickly ran to the car and drove to the airport. When we left the house it was a really really long drive it was so boring.

Until finally we were at the airport I felt like I had butterfly's in my stomach.
When we got inside there was a lot of people here. We quickly went to the place where we got ready for sky diving. When we got there a lovely woman gave us some safety gear and a parachute each.

We were excited to go sky diving but we had to wait for 19 minutes to go sky diving. Until it was time our 19 minutes was up. When the time was up the lovely woman came back and took us to the plane.

We were so shocked that we were going sky diving by our selfs. When we got in the plane it was sort of bumpy when we flew. When we got to the sky we we,re about to jump off the plane.Then we were ready to jump off the plane it was freaky when we were about to jump.

I felt like I was about to scream before we jumped off the plane. When we got off the plane I felt like I was flying. We were all most to the ground my friends and I were having so much fun sky diving.

Inquiry Term 2