Sunday 24 November 2013


The posters are cool the Bee one is me' shaye and milla

Thursday 31 October 2013

Maths Badge

I am trying to earn myself a math brade and work as hard as I could
at maths and all my other work.

Tuesday 24 September 2013


A long time ago there we're two girls named Milla and Sydney.

Suddenly they saw a bright light,sparkling like diamonds when they got a little closer to the light they saw a caveman with lots of diamonds and money.

Then the two girls noticed that the caveman was the richest person in the world,suddenly they saw the caveman that loved to exercise and getting stronger and smarter at everything.

Then when the caveman was finished doing maths he went to read on his bed.

Until the caveman went to sleep when the caveman was a sleep the two girls went to steal some gold and diamonds.

Monday 2 September 2013


Cultural festival

On Wednesday night the 28th of August when we were at the cultural festival it was so awesome because my favourite part of the cultural festival was watching the DYNAMITE performing on stage. I wish I would learn how to do there moves?...At the cultural festival all the girls were wearing black lipstick even the seniors were wearing dresses and the juniors were wearing a skirts and a dark black tee - shirt.

By Sydney!

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Emperors Clothes Technology Challenge

Task: Design two jackets, a skirt and a pair of pants out of newspaper and tape. Every group member must wear an item.

YouTube Video

Cultural festival

Tonight I feel a little nervous to do the cultural Hakka in front of a hugemungest crowd.But I'm still a bit excited to do the cultural festival tonight.And I even feel like I have butterfly's in my stomach.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

T3 Goal Setting

My maths goal is to identify and order fractions.
I will do this by logging into mathletics.

My literacy goal is to

My achievement goal is to

Monday 20 May 2013

The 100 WC

Once upon a time there was a wonderful family that went to the hotel for
a holiday and how to play golf.
Then there was a strange funny sound in the living room it sound like
there were a thousands of bees.
There were a thousands of bees that were buzzing really loud like a elephant
they were about to sting them.
So the family ran as fast as they could to run away from the bees
so they ran into the car so they could go back home but the doors
were lock.So the family ran back home.So they decide to not go
back to the hotel ever again because they were annoying and loud like a

By Sydney

Wednesday 8 May 2013

100 word challange

One day I was walking down the footpath I saw bricks flying from
the sky.Suddenly the pain my arm was crazy when brick hit

I looked behind the houses I saw three goblins throwing bricks
all over the place.When I went forward then one of the goblins
saw me spying on them.Then I ran away back home to tell my

But my mum told me to get the groceries from the shop and
the library to get books for my mum because she loves to
read different kinds of books.

By Sydney

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Learning about how I learn

This term in Room 3 we learned about Multiple Intelligences. There are 8 different intelligences which are the different ways that people are 'smart'.
I completed a survey and graphed my results below so you can see the areas that I think are my strengths.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

My favourite time on camp

On Wednesday the 28th of march we where having marshmallow on sticks but me and my dad had s'mores they where delist and yummy to eat.Everyone wanted to have one I gave one to my best friends.

But my favourite time of the camp was to do Abseiling on Monday but my other best friend was scare to walk down so I gave her some company to com her down.

On Tuesday 26 of march I like when we went in the pools it was really cold when I jump in the pools some people said it was warm they where funny when they said the pool was warm.

When we where about to leave we push Jasmine dad in the swamp to chase the fishes in the swamp some people throw some pin ones in the swamp to kill the fishes that where swimming in the swamp.

My reading group term 1

I am in the sharks reading group,level 23

Location:Godley Road,,New Zealand

Thursday 21 March 2013

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Swimming Self Assessment

I have coloured the parts of the seahorse that show my swimming skills. Miss Sheppard has put a sticker on my next swimming goal.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Goal Setting Term 1

My literacy goal is to read at home.
I will

My numeracy goal is to learn my 2 and 5 times tables.

My third goal is to ask questions and have confidence to say whats on my mind.